Sunday, March 15, 2015

25 Questions Tag

Danes sem imela v planu napisati oceno Makeup Revolution izdelkov, pa se kar nisem in nisem spravila k pisanju. Nič ni pomagalo tudi to, da so vse fotografije swatchev izgledale čudno. Zato sem se odločila, da napišem nekaj drugačnega in odgovorim na 25 splošnih vprašanj, glede na to, da me večina ne pozna prav dobro. Upam, da vam bo objava všeč! :)

Mimogrede, vprašanja so v angleščini in se mi jih ni ljubilo prevajati, zato sem tudi odgovore napisala v angleščini.

1. What is your middle name? Lazy. No, just kidding. I don't have a middle name.

2. What was favourite subject at school? English. Both in elementary and in high school.

3. What is your favourite drink? Does coffee count? :) If we're talking about alcoholic drinks I would have to say Aperol spritz or Cosmopolitan.

4. What is your favourite song at the moment? I find a new favourite every day. At the moment I'm listening to George Ezra - Budapest so that's gonna be my choice for today. :)

5. What is your favourite food? Pizza. No doubts here, hehe.

6. What is the last thing you bought? A blending brush, lip liner and highligher pen. All by Essence.

7. Favourite book of all time? I just can't answer that. I can give you a long list of good books but not a favourite one.

8. Favourite Colour? Grey, pale pink, beige and variations/combos of those colours.

9. Do you have any pets? Not anymore, but I had two pet rats (Rozi and Vreni) that passed away last September. :(

10. Favourite perfume? At the moment J'adore by Dior.

11. Favourite holiday? Rovinj in the summer with my dear.

12. Are you married? No.

13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times? Yes, many times. I've been to Croatia, Italy, Austria, Germany, Greece, Spain (well just the island of Tenerife) and United States (New York).

14. Do you speak any other language? I speak Slovenian, English and Italian language.

15. How many siblings do you have? None.

16. What is your favourite shop? Um, I don't have a favourite shop, I really liked Urban Outfiters when I was in New York but we don't have anything similar here in Slovenia. Oh, and of course Ikea. :)

17. Favourite restaurant? I'm gonna rename these "favourites" in "top 3" and make my life easier. My top 3 restaurants in Ljubljana are Sushimama, Tabar and Čompa. Yum. :)

18. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember and I like it that way. :)

19. Favourite blog? I'm gonna do a top 3 here too: Adjusting Beauty, Small Bits Of Loveliness and Mateja's beauty blog in no particular order.

20. Favourite movie? This is just like a favourite book, I see so many good movies that I can't decide. I'm gonna go with 3 of my favourite horror movies: Shutter (2004), Dawn of the dead (2004) and Psycho (1960). You can see 3 totally different styles of movies (asian horror, zombie horror, classic horror) here and I'm a fan of all of them. I'm creepy, I know. :)

21. Favourite TV show? At the moment The walking dead, I would just add two classics that I think everyone should see: Friends and Seinfeld

22. PC or Mac? PC. Not that I would say no to a Macbook. ;)

23. What phone do you have? HTC Desire X.

24. How tall are you? 165cm.

25. Can you cook? Yes. I enjoy cooking very much.

To je torej nekaj malega o meni. Če so vam vprašanja zanimiva, jih lahko uporabite in na njih odgovorite tudi sami. Če pa vas zanima še karkoli drugega o meni, bom vesela vprašanj v komentarjih. Spodaj pa še ena moja fotografija, samo toliko, da vam pokažem zgoraj omenjeni lip liner od Essence v odtenku 06 a girl's dream. A ni čudovite barve? :)


  1. Kak lep lip liner. :) Jaz sem pred kratkim tudi kupila enega od Essence in mi je zeloo všeč, tak da še jih moram par kupit. :)
    Pa yay za The walking dead, jaz sem tudi zelo velika fanica. <3 Me je fant navdušil. :D

    1. Jaaa, meni je ful všeč. Tak malinast odtenek, sploh ga ne znam opisat. Odlični so in zelo obstojni, jaz si bom tudi še kakšnega privoščila. :)
      Walking dead so pa super, midva jih tudi skupaj gledava. ;)
